The Cub Scout Six Essentials- What every scout needs!
A big part of Cub Scouts involves introducing boys and girls to the fun and adventure of spending time outdoors. And if you’re going to spend time outdoors, you’re going to want the right gear.
The Cub Scout Six Essentials, learned as part of the Wolf Rank, is a list of a half-dozen items every Cub Scout should carry when going on hikes or campouts.
Cub Scout leaders explain the Six Essentials as part of the Wolf required adventure “Call of the Wild.”
1. First-aid kit
This can be a lifesaver. Literally. Check out how you can build your own first-aid kit.
2. Water
It can prevent you from facing dehydration, heat exhaustion and heatstroke.
3. Flashlight
You need this to find your way in the dark (and make sure it has fresh batteries).
4. Trail food
You’ll be glad you have fuel to maintain your energy.
5. Sun protection
This might include sunblock, sunglasses, lip balm and a wide-brimmed hat. Applying your sun protection properly is also key.
6. Whistle
Use it to call for help if you’re lost. Don’t use a whistle for fun!